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  • 碟數:11
  • 集數:全集
  • 介質:DVD
  • 包裝:全新盒裝
  • 運費:NT$150
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雀起鄉到燭鎮 第一季的劇情簡介· · · · · ·
故事發生在19世紀末一座位於牛津郡的小小村莊裏。勞拉(奧莉薇婭·哈琳安 Olivia Hallinan 飾)的母親即將臨盆,為了給新生兒挪地方,家人們決定將勞拉送到隔壁鎮的郵局工作,由居住在那裏的表姐道卡斯(茱莉亞·薩瓦哈 Julia Sawalha 飾)照顧。初來乍到的勞拉因為土氣的裝扮和內向的個性,在新環境裏處處遭到排擠,好在溫柔的道卡斯一直都堅定的支持著她。  郵局昂貴的郵寄費用讓小鎮居民們心生怨氣,直到有一天,一位名叫奎尼(琳達·巴塞特 Linda Bassett 飾)因為支付不起郵費,而錯過了見自己弟弟最後一面的機會。這件悲劇激化了居民們和郵局之間的矛盾

雀起鄉到燭鎮 第二季的劇情簡介 · · · · · ·
  When Dorcas and Emma each want to give Laura the same gift for Christmas, an old family wound is opened up and Laura finds herself torn between two mothers. As the inhabitants of Lark Rise and Candleford prepare for the festivities, loyalties are tested and, amid the gift-giving and carol-singing, tensions are building. However, the arrival of a ragged, barefooted young woman, who goes by the name of Cinderella Doe, introduces a note of Christmas mystery. Dorcas also receives a Christmas letter from Sir Timothy.

雀起鄉到燭鎮 第三季的劇情簡介 · · · · · ·
  A journalist, Daniel Parish, arrives in Lark Rise with news that Emma Timmins is set to inherit a large amount of money, enough to change the family\'s life forever. Daniel plans to write their story for his newspaper, but Dorcas is suspicious of his motives,. Can Laura and Daniel\'s friendship survive this?

雀起鄉到燭鎮 第四季的劇情簡介 · · · · · ·
  Robert is working in Oxford and sending money home whilst Ruby Pratt has returned from Pontefract after splitting with her gentleman friend. Gabriel Cochrane, whose wife has died and whose foundry has been repossessed by the bank, comes to Candleford, penniless, and Dorcas employs him in her forge where the work interests Sydney. After Edmund has collected money from Robert at the post office, he arrives home saying he has been robbed. The whole village rallies round Emma.

